From AltschoolAfrica Student to Software Engineer Intern: A Personal Account of My Internship Journey

How I got my first software engineer role and my experience so far...


5 min read

From AltschoolAfrica Student to Software Engineer Intern: A Personal Account of My Internship Journey

“It always seems impossible until it is done.”
– Nelson Mandela


Hello, my name is Ikem Violacordis Ada. I am a mother and a student at AltschoolAfrica. Four months ago, on January 9th, 2023, I landed my first software engineering (Backend) internship at Octosoft Technologies in Yaba, Lagos State, without even applying for the role. The job test invite came as a surprise.

My Journey into Tech

My tech journey started last two years (2021) when I enrolled in a UIUX course but somehow didn't find the career fulfilling and then switched to software engineering which I found more interesting and intriguing. Here is a blog I wrote about my journey into Tech. Please read it before you continue.

My Experience at AltschoolAfrica

My software engineering journey started when I joined AltschoolAfrica.

AltschoolAfrica is a non-traditional school that equips individuals with technical skills to kickstart their careers in the tech industry. They offer courses directly connected to specific tracks.

I learned about AltschoolAfrica in November 2021 when Mrs. Arit Amana generously sponsored my entrance exam fee. After passing the test with a score of 98%, I was admitted to the school.

AltschoolAfrica laid the foundation of my programming knowledge. The curriculum began with frontend basics (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) in the first semester, followed by Node.js and the Express framework starting in June. Out of the four programming languages offered, I chose Node.js.

Balancing my responsibilities as a mother of two and working remotely as a Scrum Master at Digital Abundance wasn't easy. I dedicated my days to work and studied at night once my kids were asleep, ensuring I kept up with the weekly lessons. The tutors at AltschoolAfrica were amazing and always available to assist. I also had the opportunity to connect and collaborate with incredible individuals in the community.

The Job Invite From AltschoolAfrica

While receiving an internship job invite near the end of the program is a benefit for Altschoolers, I didn't anticipate receiving mine so soon. The internship session was set to begin in March 2023, but on December 8, 2022, I received an email from AltSchool informing me that I had been selected for an internship opportunity with one of their partner companies.

I filled out the form requested in the email and on December 14, I received a job test invitation from Afyacare, the parent company of Octosoft Technologies.

I felt nervous and excited at the same time. Although I had no prior knowledge of TypeScript, it was required for the test. So, during the Christmas period, I dedicated my time to learning the basics. Two days before the deadline, I mustered the courage to take the test.

In the first few minutes of the test, nervousness consumed me, but as time passed, I became more relaxed. At that moment, one thought prevailed: "I just have to give it my best, and no matter the outcome, I will consider myself fortunate for experiencing this opportunity within just 10 months of my software development journey." That mindset carried me through the test, and when the score appeared—67%—I couldn't have been prouder. I wasn't sure of the company's cutoff mark, but I was extremely happy with my performance.

The Virtual Interview Invite

When I received the interview invitation email from the company the day after the test deadline, I was taken aback. For a moment, I couldn't believe what I was reading. It was a truly memorable moment.

The interview was scheduled for the next day, so I immediately started researching the company and sought tips from one of my tutors at AltSchool, Mr. Daniel, on what to expect. He provided valuable insights despite the short notice.

Following that interview, I was called in for another round before receiving the offer letter on January 6, 2023. I danced throughout the day, elated that I had landed my first software engineering job.

My Internship experience at Octosoft Technologies so far...

Octosoft Technologies is an innovative health-tech company whose mission is to transform healthcare experiences.

My first day at work was incredibly memorable. The staff members were accommodating and friendly, making me feel at home within a short time.

While AltschoolAfrica had taught us the Express framework, Octosoft Technologies primarily used the Nest.js framework. That presented a challenge for me initially. However, I was given time to familiarize myself with the codebase and learn the basics of Nest.js. Thanks to my JavaScript knowledge from Altschool and the assistance and guidance from my team lead, I quickly adjusted to using Nest.js. The team was always there to support me, and within the first week of February, I successfully closed my first ticket

Overall, my internship experience has been incredibly valuable and enjoyable. I have had the opportunity to work with a talented team and gain practical skills in my field. Through various tasks, I have strengthened my problem-solving and collaboration abilities. I look forward to a more rewarding experience with the company as I continue to apply my skills and knowledge to contribute to its success, making a positive impact on the healthcare system in Africa.

Special Thanks...

I want to express my deepest gratitude to my husband for being my biggest support. I also want to thank Mrs. Arit Amana for recognizing my potential and sponsoring my entrance fee to AltschoolAfrica. My heartfelt appreciation goes to AltschoolAfrica for laying the foundation I needed to thrive in my career and creating a community that led me to amazing individuals who supported me along the way. Lastly, I extend my thanks to Octosoft Technologies for nurturing my skills, providing guidance, and allowing me to be part of their team.